okay, so it finally happened, after facebook bought instagram, we are all wondering whats going to happen with the app that we are all amazingly hooked on, and today, finally there is some annoucement that instagram profiles will be available online, wait what does that mean? it means now each user has a webpage for example and you can go onto the page and check out the photos.

well this technology wasn’t new at all, of course before there was webstagram and statigram which are both websites that you can track instagram profiles online, but now officially?


so how’s this going to change the experience? well first of all, i think we will probably get more people that couldn’t access instagram to join and which means more followers for all interesting pages, and second of all, although it saids you can’t do it now, but i am sure you will be able to upload photos from the net sooner or later, which means crazy professional style photos will be able to be uploaded into your page, and which probably means more time on the net surfing and wasting time !

while you are at it, please add my instagram if you haven’t already

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